The Open Voice Factory, eQuality Time
The Open Voice Factory, eQuality Time is free open-source software that helps give a voice to people with communication difficulties. The Open Voice Factory displays a set of icons that represent words, which a user can look through to find the word they want to express and, once selected, their device will say this word for them.
Evolvable Walking Aid
The Evolvable Walking Aid is a modular range of parts which can be assembled to form a walking stick, crutches, a walking frame, or variations of these aids. It saves users from having to buy a whole new walking aid when their mobility condition changes. It won the £35k Recognition Award.
How Do I? Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre and Bam Mobile
How Do I? Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre and Bam Mobile is an app which uses Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to deliver instructional videos to young people with learning difficulties, helping them to live more independently. It won the £15k Recognition Award.