Soffia Alarcon-Diaz
Ambassador of the Sustainable Mind Network, New Ventures.

Dan Hamza-Goodacre
Executive Director of the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program.

Anjali Jaiswal
Senior director, Natural Resources Defense Council.

Professor Hashem Akbari
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Nick Virr
Head of Development: UK, Europe & Middle East at The Fred Hollows Foundation.

Kizzy Charles-Guzman
Deputy Director, NYC Mayor’s Office of Resiliency.

James L. Wolf
Independent consultant.

Glenn Pearce-Oroz
Director for Policy and Programmes, Sustainable Energy for All.

Lisa Bate
Chair of the World Green Building Council.

Professor Walid Chakroun
Mechanical Engineering Department, Kuwait University.

Johannes Kreißig
Co-initiator and founding member of the German Sustainable Building Council.