Green Industry Plast – Togo (Lomé, Togo)
Awarded £1 million
The GIP-Togo solution consists of setting up collection units and sorting facilities for plastic waste in Togo’s major cities, in collaboration with the local authorities. The purpose of this is to collect and recover plastic waste for recycling purposes.
“We want to equip every stakeholder in the city’s living environment – from City Hall to private citizens – with the tools to recycle to improve public health and living conditions.”

Chanja Datti (Abuja, Nigeria)
Awarded £750,000
Chanja Datti’s solution is a technology driven in-house end-to-end process for plastics waste recycling by purchasing directly from our waste aggregators and waste pickers, who are some of society’s most marginalized people.
“Our aim is to establish a series of recycling hubs across northern Nigeria, building on our success in Abuja. The collected plastics will be processed and sold as post-consumer recycled plastics to plastics manufacturers for use by large bottle-to-bottle manufacturing companies.”

Mega Gas (Nairobi, Kenya)
Awarded £500,000
MegaGas converts unsorted plastic waste into clean and affordable cooking gas through a patented process. The company’s main objective is to convert unsorted waste polythene/plastics that litter the environment into clean gaseous fuel.
“We use a patented thermal cracking process that converts plastic waste into a gas which is harvested, compressed into cylinders, and sold at affordable prices.”