Announcing the launch of the Venice City Challenge!
11 June 2024
We are delighted to announce that, together with the Toyota Mobility Foundation and the City of Venice, we are launching a new open innovation challenge to develop and scale new ways to enable more people to use sustainable transport modes.
The City of Venice is an iconic Italian port and one of the world’s oldest tourist and cultural centers, offering a unique and varied mobility and cultural landscape.
From a growing local bike lane network to a pioneering car-sharing service and widespread micro mobility services, the city has made impressive strides in developing a range of low-carbon mobility options. However, not enough residents are taking advantage of these pioneering green transport modes.
How do we get city residents to adopt environmentally friendly ways of moving about the city?
According to the 2023 Audimob report on Italian mobility, people tend to stick to familiar mobility habits and choices. This means they often miss out on new services and innovations that could offer better, more sustainable alternatives.
We are calling on innovators who are passionate about transforming how people choose to move around their cities.
Do you have a creative and exciting solution that will change how the residents of Venice move, getting them to adopt or choose eco-friendly modes of transport? With $3 million (€2.78m) in funding available to support innovators, this is a unique opportunity to work with the city, creating new ways to help residents:
Move actively: Get more city residents to cycle and walk around the city
Venice’s extensive cycling lane network creates a huge opportunity for innovators to leverage existing infrastructure. More cycling and walking for shorter trips around the city can significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Use public transport: Make public transport a top choice as people navigate the city
Venice has a variety of low and zero-carbon public transport options available, including water, land, and rail. Ramping up the use of Venice’s diverse public transport options and integrating services will boost the city’s levels of sustainable transportation and reduce carbon emissions.
Explore shared mobility: Get more people to use shared mobility services across the city
Venice has many readily available shared micro-mobility options with good coverage across the city. Finding ways to help residents use these services more would not only make travel more convenient for residents but also play a key role in reducing carbon emissions and easing congestion.
Entries are now open and will close on Monday 30 September at 12:00 UTC (14:00 CEST).